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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The plot thickens! Very curiously. Mueller has played his cards close to the vest so who leaked the questions he plans to ask john of don?

The plot thickens! Very curiously. Mueller has played his cards close to the vest so who leaked the questions he plans to ask john of don?

The New York Times released a lists of over 4 dozen specific questions it wants the john of don to answer. Now who would leak that and why give the john of don a heads up? He cannot possibly face Mueller so he will take the 5th. I mean if he lies to Mueller his a** is cooked. If he tells the truth his a ** is cooked. He is in a box with no escape. NO ESCAPE. Wasn't that by Jean Paul Sartre? Oh. No. That was NO EXIT. Well slithery don will have a hard time slithering out of this. The twists and turns are getting very interesting. Think the john of don will fire everyone and refuse to leave the White House  when he is impeached? He is DESPERATE for Republicans to keep their House seats because he says he will be impeached if they don't. He finally has told a truth! I know. Imagine that? Poor desperate terrified man. There is no place to run or hide. Not that he can run at all.

Posted - May 1, 2018


  • 9917
    The questions were provided by Mueller to Trump's legal team. They were not leaked to give Trump a heads up - he and his attorneys already knew about them. The NYT said they got them from someone other than the legal team. I would assume that the source got them from the legal team, so it's probable that Trump wanted them leaked to the press.
      May 1, 2018 4:58 AM MDT

  • 2658
    I agree, IMO..Rudy Giuliani with Trump's OK...
      May 1, 2018 5:10 AM MDT